AGBs (englisch)


1.1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these terms and conditions apply to all rentals and other paid or unpaid provision of our seminar rooms in 1010 Vienna, Brandstätte 1/16, in 1030 Vienna, Am Modenapark 1-2 / 18, Am Modenapark 1-2 / 24, Am Modenapark 1-2 / 29 to natural or legal persons (contract partners for short). The validity extends to all legal transactions as well as to all future transactions, even if in individual cases, in particular in the case of future rentals or transfer of use, express reference is not made to them. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, all transactions are therefore only carried out under the following conditions, which the contractual partner recognizes as binding through his booking request.

1.2. The current version of our terms and conditions at the time the contract is concluded applies, available on our homepage

1.3. We only contract on the basis of our terms and conditions. Terms and conditions of the contractual partner or changes or additions to our terms and conditions require our express written consent to be valid. The contractual partner’s terms and conditions are not recognized even if we do not expressly contradict them upon receipt. Our silence on the documents sent to us is therefore in no way an acceptance of other terms and conditions.

1.4. All legal transactions (bookings, verbal agreements, etc.), including those concluded by our representatives, as well as verbal and telephone agreements, only become binding for us once we have confirmed them in writing.


2.1. Bookings for our seminar rooms must be made in writing, electronically on our homepage

2.2. Bookings by the contractual partner are to be viewed as offers and are not binding on us until expressly confirmed in writing. They remain irrevocably valid for 72 hours from receipt by us.

2.3. All of our declarations that are made prior to our booking confirmation, in particular the declaration of availability on our website, are only to be seen as an invitation to the contractual partner to submit an offer and are not binding on us.

3. Booking confirmation and cancellation

3.1. We are entitled to send our booking confirmation to the contact details provided to us by the contractual partner. When the booking confirmation is carried out on the announced contact date, it is deemed to have been received by our contractual partner.

3.2. Cancellations are possible from receipt of the booking confirmation up to a week before the start of the rental at the latest, paying 50% of the seminar room rent in writing via email to

3.3. It is possible to postpone the start of the rental period to another free date within the next four weeks from the original rental date. The request for postponement is only to be understood as an offer by the contractual partner and requires our express confirmation to be effective.

3.4. If the contract partner’s seminar cannot be held due to force majeure, failure of means of transport, official orders, strikes, riots or other compelling reasons beyond our control, this does not justify any reimbursement claims against us.

4. Subject and scope of performance

4.1. Our contractual service is only limited to the provision of our seminar rooms and equipment according to the information on our website for the period booked and the final cleaning.

4.2. Access to the seminar rooms is via a code that must be entered at the entrance. This will be activated for the period of the rental. Thus, handing over the keys is just as unnecessary or a subject of performance as any kind of personal support or presence by or from us.

5. Rental period: check-in, check-out

5.1. The seminar rooms are available to the contract partner on the booked date in the case of a full-day booking from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

5.2. A late check-out is possible for an additional fee by separate agreement. The agreement only becomes effective when it is confirmed by us in writing

6. Payment

6.1. Payment must be made when booking on our website. The terms and conditions of the payment processing partner Klarna apply.

6.2. It is not possible to pay at the Location.

6.3. Any delay in payment with the rental fee, the cancellation fee, with damages or with the contractual penalty leads to default interest according to § 456 UGB (9.2% above the respective base rate).

7. Warranty and Liability

7.1. Our guarantee is excluded to the greatest possible extent.

7.2. Our liability for contractual and statutory claims for damages is excluded as far as possible, except in the case of willful intent or gross negligence. Any existing claims for damages against us can only be asserted in court within six months of knowledge of the damage and the damaging party, but no later than three years after the event giving rise to the claim. Our liability is limited to a maximum of double what we have from the rental in question by the contractual partner.

7.3. The contractual partner is liable to us regardless of fault for all damage caused by him and, in solidarity, for all damage caused by seminar participants. This is especially true if the damage occurs after leaving, but the reason was set by the contractual partner or the seminar participant (e.g. due to an open window, running water supply …). All equipment and materials in the seminar rooms (in particular flipchart, complete seminar case, TV with Barco Clickshare, creative materials such as Lego Serious Play) are available to the contractual partner free of charge during the rental period. For any damage he owes a contractual penalty in the amount of double the new purchase price and – regardless of the above-mentioned contractual penalty – compensation for any additional damage. The burden of proof is reversed, which is why the contractual partner must prove that damage was not caused by him or a participant in his seminar.

7.4. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the seminar rooms. Should the contractual partner or a seminar participant violate this, a contractual penalty of EUR 200.00 will be due.